When I look back
To the days of my youth
I see your face
Which was with me all through
Never for once
Did u leave me in my struggle
Every day and night
You were beside me
When I needed help with my school work
You were with me
When I needed help with my intellectuals
You never left me
But death soon snatched you away
So soon, too soon
Too soon to say goodbye
Too soon, I can't help but cry
And then when i needed help with my school work
I was alone
When I needed to be talked to
I was alone still
No more stories and tales were told
Stories of the recent past or of old
And so, we tried our best
To bury you the best way it seemed fit
We went through all that we could
To give you the edifying burial you deserved
But you were already gone
You had left to the world beyond
You had left to be with God on high
You had left without saying goodbye
All that was left was your withering body
From dust you came, to dust you returned
Your grave lies at the cemetery
Sometimes, I’m there to speak to you
About all that troubles me
Believing that you can somehow hear me
But of what use is speaking to your bones?
Of what use is speaking to a grave?
Your spirit is with the Lord
But you father are in my heart
So I know these words you can hear
I know my pains, you can feel
And I know you speak to me
I hear you, I hear you say
"Hush my little one, don't cry
Because I never left your side
And with you I will always be
Till me meet 'face en face' to part no more"
Now I can smile
For I have heard those words
Which you still speak to me
I smile at the thought
That I will be reunited with you one day
I will make sure
I get to where you are
Up above in paradise
Oh father, precious father,
Wait for me, wait for me!
© Lola Agbaje-Williams: 19th June, 2004