Sunday, October 5, 2014



I am standing here today
With a story to tell
The manner by which I got here
I know it too well

I wasn’t always like this
I never believed in myself
I gave up very easily
And always cowered in my shelf

I was deceived into believing
That I wasn’t in control
I let my circumstances dictate
What I do and how far I go

But as time went on, I began to realise
Who I was really made to be
No longer bound by the chains that held me
Indeed I have been set free

Freedom to do what, you may ask
Freedom, I answer, to bear fruits that will last
No longer being dominated by men who abuse me
But rising up with courage to walk in dominion and authority

I speak into existence
Things that weren’t there before
I loose in heaven and earth an abundance
That is too large to store

I raise godly seed that are arrows
In God’s powerful hands
Indeed, I and my entire family
We are for signs and wonders

No longer shall we be deceived
By the lying serpent
No longer shall we walk in ignorance
Or as fear’s servants

We are fruitful, we multiply
And subdue all the earth
We are influential and prosperous
With unbeatable strength

We are filled with words of wisdom
And act as consultants for kings
We are the head and never tail
Yes, the best in everything

We are rulers and teachers
Lawyers and preachers
We are doctors and nurses
Accountants, the greatest bosses

In all that we do
We influence and add value
Proclaiming God’s favour
In every way and each avenue

With all this experience of dominion
We remember to remain humble
As worthy vessels for the master’s use
This way, we’ll never stumble

You too can walk this walk of dominion with me
And live the life that God intended
As you do so, may God’s grace carry you
Until the last day when we are perfected

© October 2014 by Lola Agbaje-Williams

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Weekend Bite Online...June Recap

Hello friends, it's my pleasure to bring you the June Recap of The Weekend Bite Online. June was a month of learning for us with great feedback from the twitter family. If you missed it, this recap is especially for you.

In the first week, we stated with #Action.
Photo: Mindflash
signifies doing something or putting something into practice. Many times, many of us get the vision, decision and planning parts right, but only a few of us successfully execute these plans. It's much easier to say what we want to be, but there is a big step between imagining something and achieving it. This step is called Action. 

thus requires getting up and doing something; being a doer not just a dreamer. There must be an interplay of hard work and dedication. The road may be rough, putting continuous effort may be stressful, but if we must become and if we must achieve, then we must by all means act!

No matter how tasking it may be, grow from being a talker into a doer because the world belongs to doers and doers never lose! Embark on today!

In the second week, we continued with #Opportunism.
is the act of making use of opportunities and circumstances as they arise. This requires an ever positive attitude, not one which is easily influenced by temporary setbacks. 

Photo: Superfunnyimages
sees opportunities instead of problems; turning them around to suit current needs. While everyone is busy grumbling about the nature and gravity of a problem, an opportunist simply rises to the occasion to take advantage of the situation.

also adapts to change and successfully derives benefit from such unwanted or unexpected change. This is based on a constant preparation of the mind-set for the unexpected and a firm decision never to be thrown aback by same; rather to work with whatever comes one's way.  No option or circumstance should be seen as too little or too insignificant, instead try pursuing such options with an open mind. Concentrating on the challenges or limitations that abound around you won't get you anywhere, instead make up your mind to TRY and to BELIEVE in yourself no matter what, looking forward to your desired end.

You may never know how successful you can be until you try  . It is definitely one of the keys to a successful and happy life.

In the third week, we moved on to consider #Purpose.
is simply the reason for existence, the very essence for our being!  There has to be something that drives us, something which under any circumstances, we would naturally do! These things originate from within and are a clear definition of who we are & what we were made to do. 

Photo: Lifehack
A life lived without discovering is meaningless, because without a destination or sense of direction, success cannot be measured. Instead, years can be wasted by  chasing after shadows; no accomplishments nor improvements. A purposeless life never gains any true satisfaction from within because  it ventures into things it was never made to do. Imagine a chair believing itself to be a musical instrument or a bird thinking it is a snake; all purposes clearly different, what a misadventure  that would be. The chair thinking its purpose was to play music instead of providing comfort for sitting; or the bird trying to crawl on the ground, trees and walls, instead of soaring high above in the skies, to the admiration of men. What a misadventure indeed!

All things are made for different purposes; addressing a particular need and filling a particular gap. Don't waste your time being someone you're not. Discover your  and embrace it! Only then will you find fulfilment.  Do what you must: soul searching, meditating, praying, seeking counsel, studying, whatever it takes to discover and define this purpose.

When you discover it, run with it; there's nothing better than living a  driven life.

In the fourth week, we wrapped it up with #Focus.
Photo: AliExpress
can be described as a state of having and maintaining clear vision and gaze on a particular object. In the pursuit of purpose, is important to help us overcome distractions we may face on our path! We are often confronted by events or occurrences which aim to make us give up on our goals and dreams. 

Without , we could easily get carried away/ thrown off balance by such unpleasant events or even people along our way. However, we must realise the temporary nature of such occurrences and focus on the permanent nature of our intended accomplishments.

simply helps us find a balance in the midst of the turbulence and positions us to forge ahead to achieve our goals. In the depth of our minds we can have a note to ourselves, pasted up on the wall, reminding us to always stay focused. Next time there is a temptation to give up, take offence or get frustrated, each of us must ask ourselves: Why am I here? What do I seek to achieve? Once we can answer 's question, we'll realise that every other thing or person doesn't count. Rather, has set us back on course. All that matters is what we need to achieve, and so we channel all our energy towards that.

 Maintain today, it's crucial to ensuring your success! 

 That's a wrap folks, hope you enjoyed the run through! 
  • Embark on #Action, ensure #Opportunism, Pursue #Purpose and maintain #Focus
All the best putting these into practice!...success is yours!


L.A.W © July 2014 by Lola Agbaje-Williams

For : Follow Lola on Twitter: @lolawilliams02

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Weekend Bite Online...May Recap

Hello there, welcome to another month. Wow, almost half of the year is gone! Hope you're getting ahead with your goals and plans. If not, it's not too late to reassess them, evaluate your progress and re-strategize.

May was quite an interesting month on the Weekend Bite, especially for Twitter followers. Henceforth, I'll be doing a monthly recap here of what was shared for easy reference purposes.

In the first week, we started off with #Dejection. 
Photo: Wisestep

As defined, #Dejection is simply a state of sadness, unhappiness, depression, low spirits/ heaviness of heart. It can also be a state of agony, when nothing seems to change the feeling of emptiness on the inside and your demeanor and countenance are forced to reflect this sadness.

It can be can be triggered by many things such as unpleasing words/events or random things which have far reaching effects on our emotions. Sure, we all have certain things that throw us off balance or which we abhor; but the question is: should we allow the occurrence of these things (which are inevitable) to limit us?

#Dejection needs to be CONTROLLED!
Otherwise, it can affect mindset, capacity, demeanor, the entire being and can truly make the heart sick.

So how do we deal? 
For this, Resistance is key. No matter what, don't give in. Don't get pulled into 's dark hole. It's a terrible place with no friends, happiness or fulfillment and instead of being drawn into that, you need to free yourself of its limitation. 
Do what you must- speak to yourself, listen to music, pray, work, keep your mind occupied; whatever it takes to ensure that you are in control! 

Don't waste your life embracing ... Discard it, overcome it!


In the second week, we moved on to #Motivation.
Photo: Maximillian Richter

is simply the reason/ driving force behind our actions and everyday lives. It pushes us to go the extra mile to achieve our goals and dreams. It can be a strong force to propel us to MOVE when circumstances suggest otherwise. 

However, where there is no , it can be a ticket to inaction, complacency and unproductivity. You need motivation, to act, to move, to do, to be; without it, nothing seems worth it.
  • What's your ? What makes you do the things you do? What propels you to act; is it good or bad? 
  • Check your ...ensure it's in the right place so that your actions can rightly follow. 
If you are motivated for the wrong reasons, you're likely to act for all the wrong reasons. But if you pump yourself up from within with positivity, determination and zeal, to achieve and surpass your dreams and goals, such motivation could push you to do exactly that.

If nothing or no one around you motivates you, motivate yourself and be all you can be. Indeed, you can do all that you set your mind to do with the right ...
Photo: Sugarspunmarketing


In the third week, we discussed  `

#Distractions can be described as things or people that distract or prevent you from concentrating on or doing something important. They take your mind away from your current focus and constitute delays in your path.

don't always have to be bad things, they can be legitimate things that may seem justifiable. You may have good reasons for doing these things but the question is: when is the right time for them? They can also be the people closest to you or random ones you meet daily, engage in conversations with, hang out with or have to attend to.The point is that these things or people prevent you from doing what is primarily important at that particular time.

What to do...
You need to be able to identify and cut off their influence from you and what you need to do. 
Also, prioritizing helps. What's the most important thing you need to get done at that particular time? Can this other thing or person wait till later? Once you're able to determine this, concentrate on the most important thing; because those won't be to blame when you fail to achieve your goals, you'll have only yourself to blame!

...identify them, disable them and get back to work!


In the fourth and final week, we concluded with .

 is an uncodified law that governs our interactions, experiences and the
Photo: HLHL
entire course of our lives. It operates in every system and environment. Somethings just seem to click or happen at certain times.

You know you're experiencing  when you can't explain your sudden good luck after a series of unfortunate events or when things suddenly seem to fit into place, or better yet, when you find yourself at the right place at the right time.

It may take long for certain things to work out and it may seem that your bad experiences, rejections or failures have overextended but you need to try your best not to be disturbed by this, rather hold on and watch out, your time will surely come. Remember,  great things take time!

There is a time and season for everything under the sun...when your season comes, everything fits! It will be visible and incontestable. You only have to ensure not to miss it when it comes, but to recognise and use it wisely. A wasted time or chance only creates more delay.
So enjoy your dance with ... Your glorious moment awaits!
That's a wrap folks, hope you enjoyed the run through! 
  • Discard #Dejection, try #Motivation, disable #Distractions and utilise #TIMEANDCHANCE
All the best putting these into practice!...success is yours!
© June 2014 by Lola Agbaje-Williams
For more #ExcerptsFromTheWeekendBite: Follow Lola on Twitter: @lolawilliams02

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Une histoire d'amour

It was a cold Thursday night. Everything seemed to have gone wrong during the day, leaving Isabella quite confused. For some reason her boss complained of everything she did. She left the office later than usual, and yet she couldn't seem to get all of her tasks done. The most annoying part of her day was the driver who ran into her BMW from behind. ''He must have been drunk'' she thought.  Although she was extremely tired, the driver had reversed and zoomed off before she could get down to see the damage. So typical! 

*Argh* she groaned, the pain in her back was unsettling. She had a shower and went to bed. ''Hopefully, tomorrow will be better'' she said to herself as her eyes gently closed. She didn't know her phone was ringing as she had turned off the sound while in the office and forgotten to turn it back on. It rang for another hour but Isabella had no clue, she was happily dreaming away. 

Who could have been calling  her? 


The phone rang yet another time with no reply. Timi was worried. He really hoped everything was alright with Isabella. He said a prayer for her and went back to working on his presentation which was due tomorrow morning. 

Friday morning was here. Timi thrilled the managers with his 'state of the art' presentation. The Chairman categorically stated that with results like this, he deserved a promotion. Timi couldn't help feeling great. With what he had planned, the day was about to get better.

For some reason Isabella's alarm didn't wake her that morning. As she stretched on the bed, she hugged her pillow tightly.  She had always wanted a big teddy bear, so she could hug it all through the night. Her bed was quite comfortable and her room dimly lit with large curtains and blinds blocking out the unwanted sunlight. After turning several times on the bed, she opened her eyes reluctantly to the clock above her head. Jumping out of bed almost immediately, she exclaimed "Oh my, I'm going to be late!". She rushed her shower, threw some clothes on, picked her bag and rushed out. For some reason, as she dashed out the door, she remembered her phone was still on the bed. She reluctantly went back for it. Little did she know that was the best decision she made that morning.

Isabella knew she was driving roughly but she had to get to work before her boss, otherwise the day would be an extension of yesterday's mess. Luckily for her, the Policemen on her route were busy with 'finer cars' than hers. 

It was five minutes after opening hours. Isabella parked her car as fast as she could and stood still as she saw her boss about to take the elevator. Thinking fast, she took the stairs and ran as quickly as she could. Hopefully, the elevator would stop on a few more floors before her boss gets off. 
With no time to greet anyone she rushed into her seat, took off her jacket, sat down and opened the file on her desk. As expected, her boss was at her door 30 seconds later. 
''Are you through with the tasks I gave you yesterday?''. 
''Good morning ma, I'm just putting a few finishing touches'' Isabella managed to mutter. 
''It should be on my desk on or before 12noon''. 
''Yes ma''. 

With her boss out of her office, Isabella gave a long sigh. ''Whew! That was close''. She quickly got to work. 
Her phone was still on silent mode and ringing away.                                           

It was lunch time and Timi was yet to get a call back from Isabella. He really hoped everything was alright. He had left several messages and expected a reply by now. He decided to try her number again.

At exactly five minutes to twelve, Isabella was standing before her boss to submit the report she had asked her to do. Isabella's heart was beating fast as her boss glanced through the report, looking through her glasses firmly sitting on her nose. After what seemed like an eternity, her boss did something unbelievable: she smiled! 
"I must say that I'm impressed, Well done". Isabella thought she was dreaming.
"T...Thank you ma" She muttered
"I knew you could do it, that's why I kept pushing you so hard. For doing such a good job, you can close early today. Just ensure you tidy up your desk; today is Friday you know, and quite special at that"
Isabella expressed her sincere appreciation to her boss. She didn't know what she was going to use that free time to do, but at least her sweet bed was always there for her in times of need. And what did her boss mean by the day being quite special?

Isabella went back to the office to tidy up her desk. As she packed some things into her bag, she saw her phone and remembered she hadn't checked it since yesterday. 
"Wow...50 missed calls...How come?" She realised then that her phone had been silent all through. Out of all the missed calls, one person's number stood out. There were voicemails, text messages, notifications and emails as well. She decided to read an e-mail, and saw something that blew her mind away.

They were the most beautiful words she had ever seen, addressed to her. As she read through, her face beamed with a million-dollar smile. Who was it from?  She could tell it was hers as her name and picture were on the magnificent marble piece. From what she read, it was sent by a company on someone else's behalf. She scrolled down and saw his name and then smiled even more, her hand over her mouth in amazement. She didn't mind the attention she was attracting from her colleagues. With all the work she had been through lately, she forgot it was Valentine's Day.

Timi had been friends with Isabella for years but was never able to tell her how he felt till now. He had witnessed a few of her relationships and break ups. He always provided his shoulder for her to cry on anytime she was depressed and was there for her in her times of need. Timi knew how exactly he felt and had no doubt that Isabella was the one for him. The problem was 'Was the feeling reciprocal? Did she feel what he felt or know what he knew? Would she be convinced by what he sent?

Although Isabella had taken Timi as one of her best friends, she always had a soft spot for him. At certain times, the thought of a possible relationship crossed her mind, but she always disregarded it. She never realised how much she cared until now. Reading the words cleared her mind and warmed her heart. 

She went ahead to check her Facebook notifications. Right there on her wall was another poem stylishly placed on a marble background. It was a public declaration of his love for her and it made her feel so special. ''I can't believe this is happening.'' she thought to herself. ''I actually really like this boy. I had no clue I had a romantic right under my nose."

At that precious moment, a call came in. She picked it almost immediately. 

"Hello dearest" the cool voice said, sending waves through Isabella's body.
"Hello Timi. I'm so sorry I missed your calls. My phone has been on silent since yesterday and it's been quite hectic at the office, but I'm through with my work now".
"I thought as much. At least I know you're fine... I hope you've seen my messages." 
"Yes, I have... Do you really feel that way?"
"Babie, I mean every word. I just hope you feel the way I do and you'll give us a chance."
Isabella paused for a while which set Timi's heart racing. What was on her mind?
"I feel the same dear." She said as Timi gave a loud sigh. 'What a fulfilling response! He thought out loud.
"If you would allow me, I have made a reservation for dinner, at an exquisite restaurant I just discovered. What time do you get off work? I'm free for the rest of the day, so I'm all yours".
"Surprisingly, my boss let me close early today. Are you sure you didn't call her?" 
"Hahaha...That's great, I'll be at your office within the hour".
"I can't wait".

Timi ended the call and jumped with excitement. Isabella was finally his. Yes! He quickly sent a mail before dashing out of the office, his heart filled with expectation of a wonderful time.
"Thank you Peach Expressions, She loved the E-poems. Let's do this again soon".

© February 2014 by Lola Agbaje-Williams
Express your feelings to your loved ones with our spectacular Personalised E-poems. You can enjoy our guaranteed best service by sending a mail to Thank you!