Hello friends, welcome to February; the month that's widely celebrated as the month of love.
However, we chose to look at something else on The Weekend Bite™, in line with our general theme so far in 2016. This one is #Transformation.
#Transformation is simply a change in substance, form, character or even situation, radically or thoroughly. Although we spoke about change last month, transformation goes further than change. It's okay to make a few changes in our lives sometimes, but there is also a time when transformation comes into play.

The journey from egg to insect is not for a day, but at each stage, it transforms in form and substance.
Likewise in our journey from babies to adults, we too must transform in substance, maturity, knowledge, character and values.
In character, transformation becomes necessary, when more than one person, including our conscience condemns what we do.
In values and our way of life, transformation is necessary when we find ourselves entangled in undignified lifestyles with decayed values. We
have to come to a point where we can completely trash out all filth
and everything that constantly holds us back or weighs us down.
If we find ourselves in any environment or situation that constantly steals our
joy, we need to shake it up and let transformation allow us fixate on the positive
and also restore our joy.
Never let anything or anyone steal your joy. Remain positive always and hope against all hope!
Therefore, we need to examine ourselves again and find what element of our characters,
lifestyles, habits, beliefs and value systems need transformation and
go ahead to do just that. Once you let go and become that which you need to be, you will experience a
new dimension of yourself; said the butterfly to the caterpillar.
©LAW Afolabi, February 2016.