Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Weekend Bite™ Online May 2016

Hello friends! As we enjoy this beautiful spring weather, let's take a while to discuss about #mindoverbody - our focus on the Weekend Bite™ this month.

The mind and the body are two important parts of our beings that determine our decisions and actions. Many times we may find ourselves making decisions, based on our emotions or perhaps some physical gratification. However, the truth of the matter is that when the body is the main deciding factor for our decisions, most of such decisions may end up being regretted.
For example, the decision to cheat on your spouse to feed a physical desire or to get drunk to drown your problems will always backfire. You will either end up betraying the one you love and potentially damaging your relationship or with a hangover and a series of bad decisions.

If your mind tells you to do something NOW but your body feels to lazy to do so all the time, it's definitely a set up for failure. No one ever got anything done by being lazy or procrastinating, but by pushing themselves harder even when they don't feel like it.

We have to learn not to be controlled by our feelings. We may feel insecure, tired, or beat down, but we must be prepared to push ourselves with all we have, even when we feel we are unable. If we are able to convince our minds that we are able to do or achieve something, then sooner than later, our bodies will start to believe it.

If your mind says you are unable, then it's time to change your mind. And when you change your mind, your body will change too. Change your mind by speaking positive words about yourself, declaring you can do and become exactly what and who you aspire to be.

Keep your mind positive and you'll be on the right track to success! Let your motto be #mindoverbody always. 

All the best!



©LAW Afolabi, May 2016