Hello friends! Hope you're having a great summer 

Summer brings a lot of warmth and sunshine; the perfect time to get out and do something. However, before we get busy in our environment, it's good to sit back, reflect and ensure that our values are in check. Yes, that's our focus this month on the Weekend Bite™ : #Values.
#Values can be defined as the collection of ideals, beliefs, views and principles that guide our behavior and our daily lives. They define who we are, what we are about and the choices we make.
Our values keep us in check through the machinery of our conscience. As humans, we are prone to temptations and tough situations. The path we decide to take will be influenced by the kind of values we have. When we miss it, our conscience should prick us and remind us of the need to fix things.
However, the road to staying true to our values might be quite bumpy. This
is because we live in a world where it has become politically incorrect
to express views that are contrary to popular opinion. This is irrespective of what the popular opinion is and whether it represents good or bad values.
have based their decisions on whims simply because of the influence of
those around them. Others derive their values from people they know or
Should we allow our environment or people around us determine what our values are?
How then does an individual find his true self or ascertain what values are truly central to his existence?
You should know what exactly you stand for and believe in. What is your raison d'etre? This requires a soul search, meditation, finding out who you really are and having a goal to become better.
Once you are able to ascertain your values, it's important to stay true to
them, irrespective of unpopularity, persecution or discouragement. Stay
true to your values in your dealings, relationships, speech and
actions. Let others be able to identify them in you and respect you for
With strong values and commitment, each of us has a greater opportunity to make a difference in the world. Let's make a change together, with the right values!
©LAW Afolabi, July 2016