Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Weekend Bite™ Online: April 2018

I love spring! It's that time of the year when flowers bloom and beautiful colours return to our streets and parks. The trees begin to receive life again after the harsh treatment of winter. It's the perfect description of 'all things bright and beautiful.'

Nevertheless we don't always experience the total beauty of spring from the onset. Depending on where you are in the world, their may still be snow storms in the month of April. It can be frustrating to find the harsh conditions of winter still at play in spring. This delays the manifestation of the joys of the season for the period the storms persist. Even in other climates, there may still be parts of the year that are generally expected to be colder than others. You may experience more rain in some months, and be faced with dryness, dust and extreme heat in other months. Whichever is your preference, it can be frustrating when the benefits of a season are deferred. 

Likewise our lives and experiences are governed by seasons. A season may be approaching that signifies joy for us. It may be a new relationship, job, baby or environment. Though the season may come, the joy we expect to derive from it may be deferred. Instead of happiness, we are faced with varying emotions and difficulties. We wonder why certain storms come our way despite the assurance we had of God's promise for the season. We may find ourselves fighting the frustration of the delayed manifestation of the beauty, promise and blessing of that season.

Photo: Pixnio
One thing that may help is to remember that spring will surely come. No matter how the winter threatens or disturbs your peace; at the appointed time, there shall be sunshine, flowers and showers of blessing. As time progresses, the effects of the storms begin to wane and the beauty and blessings of the season begin to rise. Soon spring takes over and the storms of the past are no more. Though they may rise again in future, we retain our confidence that they won't last forever. Joy will surely come again when the sun rises and shines!

So no matter what storm you may be facing today; it is temporary. Soon your flowers will bloom and your life will bear fruit. That promise that you are holding on to will surely come to pass. That blessing that has come your way will soon begin to yield its fruits. Arise and shine, your spring season is here!

Yours truly,


© LAW Afolabi, April 2018

Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Weekend Bite™ Online: March 2018

March is a beautiful month! During this time, we say goodbye to the harshness of winter and embrace the joy and beauty that spring brings. By March, we're looking to see if we are on track towards fulfilling our goals and we resolve to march with greater strength and tenacity to achieve them.

If you find that things are not working according to the baselines you've set; the way forward isn't to bury yourself in despair. Instead, rise up and decide to live intentionally. Push yourself, get busy and take your life goals by the horns. Take radical steps and keep going, no matter how many surprises you encounter on the way.

Worries have the tendency to take over our minds when life decides to deal us a different hand. No one ever gained anything by worrying. The more we allow worries to consume us, the more we lose focus on our present and lose grip on our goals. Fears of the future and the unknown can incapacitate the now and hold us back from what has already been prepared for us.

You may not be able to prevent worries from coming but you can control what you do about them. When these worries come, try to place them into a box. Chose to fight the battles you have today so that you can live to fight tomorrow. Your little daily victories will eradicate the bases of some of these worries and 
metamorphose into a total victory for you in future. By the time you check that box later on, you will find that most of your past worries have been overtaken by events. Somehow, someway, things have worked out because you chose to keep busy, stay positive and trust the ONE who knows the end from the beginning to ensure all things work out for your good.

If there was a secret to dealing with worries, it will be to:
LIVE each day at a time;
WORK on your goals step by step;
STAY positive no matter the challenges you face;
TRUST that tomorrow will be alright.

I wish you a year filled with hope and fulfillment. You may not be able to see the end of the road but know this, as long as you remain diligent, true to your values and to God; you will surely excel.

Best wishes from me to you!

©LAW Afolabi, March 2018

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Dear Woman

You are beautiful
No matter the colour of your skin
You are unlimited
Even by your background or kin

You are stronger
Than every challenge you face
You are greater
Than the boundaries of your race

No matter your history or experience
No matter your mistakes or their consequence
No matter the pattern of your stretch mark
Nor how the wrinkles on your face park

You radiate with beauty from deep within
Your riches exceed those of Sheba's queen
Your wisdom distinguishes you from the crowd
Your humility is a constant lesson to the proud

You're a mother of nations
with a blessed and fruitful womb
You're a leader in industries
You excel in all you do

You take what is given and multiply
You invest your goodness and beautify
You are a rare gem, a diamond uncut
You are a wonder, success is your lot

In every situation and circumstance
Through every trial, maintain your dance
Tap into the strength and greatness within
At the end of the road, you will surely win

©LAW Afolabi, March 2018

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Weekend Bite™ Online: February 2018

It's been an amazing month of love and companionship. It's also been a time to appreciate and nurture the relationships in our lives. This transcends our romantic relationships to include relationships with friends and family; people we interact and share experiences with every day.

Firstly it's important to recognise that each relationship in our lives has a purpose. There is a reason why we meet certain people at certain times. Therefore, it will be foolhardy to take anyone for granted or treat relationships with disdain. Everyone has something to offer and something that they need. There may be something you can give or receive that will make a positive impact.

Secondly, to get the best out of anything, it is important to nurture it. A seed does not grow into a plant or flowers without nurture and nourishment. Your relationships need your time, care and investment. The true meaning of friendship is someone who is there in times of need. This goes beyond distance or the number of physical meetings. Be there for the people in your life; otherwise, your relationships will soon die out. It is how rich the nourishment you give to your relationship is, that will determine the value you derive from it.

Thirdly, realise that like everything under the sun, there is a time and season for relationships. There will be certain times when we experience peaks in our relationships with certain individuals and we may be surprised that things change after a few years. There are relationships that are predestined to be for a short span. We will give ourselves unnecessary problems when we fight to drag these on especially when the enthusiasm is not mutual. People evolve, and not everyone or everything evolves with them. This does not mean that you should cut people off when your circumstances change. It just means that you should accept that a relationship may be intense for a period to meet a particular purpose according to the phases you both are in at that point in time. It still possible for this to go back up again but until such a time, choose to maintain contact as much as you can. An occasional call or text just to say hello and check on them is great as this will let them know that you are still there, even if you don't see as much as you used to.

Lastly, accept that true friendship transcends time and distance; so don't turn the lights off on some relationships simply because you have not heard from people in a while. It's easy to take offence at people because you have not gotten a call in years. The truth of the matter is that everyone has issues that they face and until you speak to them, you may never know what they are going through. Such persons may have more responsibility now than they did when you were closer. They may be going through a phase or just trying to get their lives in order. If you cut them off because it appears that they have distanced themselves, then you may lose the opportunity for the relationships to blossom again tomorrow. Nevertheless, if you try to reach out consistently and are blown off by them, don't let it discourage you. Be satisfied that you tried consistently to reach out. If the relationships are meant to blossom again in future, the circumstances of your lives will align so that they will. Till then, remember your friends when they were at their best, and for the impact that you were able to make in each other's lives and together.

It's easy to get so caught up in our own circumstances that we forget people who have been dear to us over the years. Try to reach out to some old friends and just catch up. Don't be discouraged even if you get an awkward response. Update each other on how you have been and offer encouragement. Don't ignore that voice in your spirit prompting you to say hello to someone. You never know if this will be your last opportunity to do so. 

I'm dialing some numbers on my phone right now. I'm typing some messages too. For any old friends reading this, know that I still care for you.

Yours truly,


© LAW Afolabi, February 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

This is for You!

For all those who have loved and lost 
For those whose love was not returned

For those who gave their hearts away
For those who couldn't make them stay

If your loved one left to the world beyond
Leaving you broken, unhappy and stunned

If your lover took off without a word 
or cleaved to another when he got bored

Perhaps you're together and yet so sad
Not alone, yet lonely, it's gotten that bad

Perhaps you've been hurt and also abused
Their words and actions left you so bruised

You may have no one to call your own 
No one to love you or take you home

You may see others in love and then wish
That your love life will someday flourish 

Rise up and break up with despair 
Make up your mind to no longer go there

You are precious, amazing and so loved
By your friends, family and God above 

Learn to love yourself even when you don't feel it
Learn to hold on to your joy even when you don't see it

I'm blowing these kisses to you to encourage you today
You are adored and treasured; more than words can say

© LAW Afolabi, February 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Weekend Bite™ Online: January 2018

It's almost like a dream; 2018 is here! Some time ago this seemed so far away but here it is, moving gradually along. That's the beauty of time and planning for the future. 

It's great to plan ahead but we must also realise that soon enough time catches up with us. What then happens to our plans?

As you go into 2018, dare to do things differently! Instead of religiously penning down your goals, work on the strategies you will use to fulfill them. Consider these:

  • Firstly, are your goals life goals? Are they things stirred up from within you that you are certain are closely knitted with your dreams and visions? If you are not sure then it's best to first review them.
  • Secondly, how can you achieve them? Where have you failed in the past? What did you learn from your past mistakes and how will you apply those lessons to your present? 
  • Thirdly, what strategic steps can you take to move you closer to achieving your goals? Where do you need to go, who do you need to meet and what do you need to learn? 
  • Fourthly, ACT! Procrastination is indeed the 'thief of time'. You can only succeed if you try, you can only win a race if you compete and run! 
2018 is not a year for sitting and staring but for deliberate persistent pursuit and achievement. To get your expected end, you must start well by ascertaining what indeed you are pursuing and how to pursue it.

No matter the disappointments you may have had in previous years, believe and be assured that this year CAN and WILL be different! 
Nevertheless, beyond wishful thinking, be prepared to play your part for this dream to become a reality!

Believe in yourself and make the best of 2018.

Best wishes!

© LAW Afolabi, January 2018