Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Weekend Bite™ Online: February 2018

It's been an amazing month of love and companionship. It's also been a time to appreciate and nurture the relationships in our lives. This transcends our romantic relationships to include relationships with friends and family; people we interact and share experiences with every day.

Firstly it's important to recognise that each relationship in our lives has a purpose. There is a reason why we meet certain people at certain times. Therefore, it will be foolhardy to take anyone for granted or treat relationships with disdain. Everyone has something to offer and something that they need. There may be something you can give or receive that will make a positive impact.

Secondly, to get the best out of anything, it is important to nurture it. A seed does not grow into a plant or flowers without nurture and nourishment. Your relationships need your time, care and investment. The true meaning of friendship is someone who is there in times of need. This goes beyond distance or the number of physical meetings. Be there for the people in your life; otherwise, your relationships will soon die out. It is how rich the nourishment you give to your relationship is, that will determine the value you derive from it.

Thirdly, realise that like everything under the sun, there is a time and season for relationships. There will be certain times when we experience peaks in our relationships with certain individuals and we may be surprised that things change after a few years. There are relationships that are predestined to be for a short span. We will give ourselves unnecessary problems when we fight to drag these on especially when the enthusiasm is not mutual. People evolve, and not everyone or everything evolves with them. This does not mean that you should cut people off when your circumstances change. It just means that you should accept that a relationship may be intense for a period to meet a particular purpose according to the phases you both are in at that point in time. It still possible for this to go back up again but until such a time, choose to maintain contact as much as you can. An occasional call or text just to say hello and check on them is great as this will let them know that you are still there, even if you don't see as much as you used to.

Lastly, accept that true friendship transcends time and distance; so don't turn the lights off on some relationships simply because you have not heard from people in a while. It's easy to take offence at people because you have not gotten a call in years. The truth of the matter is that everyone has issues that they face and until you speak to them, you may never know what they are going through. Such persons may have more responsibility now than they did when you were closer. They may be going through a phase or just trying to get their lives in order. If you cut them off because it appears that they have distanced themselves, then you may lose the opportunity for the relationships to blossom again tomorrow. Nevertheless, if you try to reach out consistently and are blown off by them, don't let it discourage you. Be satisfied that you tried consistently to reach out. If the relationships are meant to blossom again in future, the circumstances of your lives will align so that they will. Till then, remember your friends when they were at their best, and for the impact that you were able to make in each other's lives and together.

It's easy to get so caught up in our own circumstances that we forget people who have been dear to us over the years. Try to reach out to some old friends and just catch up. Don't be discouraged even if you get an awkward response. Update each other on how you have been and offer encouragement. Don't ignore that voice in your spirit prompting you to say hello to someone. You never know if this will be your last opportunity to do so. 

I'm dialing some numbers on my phone right now. I'm typing some messages too. For any old friends reading this, know that I still care for you.

Yours truly,


© LAW Afolabi, February 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

This is for You!

For all those who have loved and lost 
For those whose love was not returned

For those who gave their hearts away
For those who couldn't make them stay

If your loved one left to the world beyond
Leaving you broken, unhappy and stunned

If your lover took off without a word 
or cleaved to another when he got bored

Perhaps you're together and yet so sad
Not alone, yet lonely, it's gotten that bad

Perhaps you've been hurt and also abused
Their words and actions left you so bruised

You may have no one to call your own 
No one to love you or take you home

You may see others in love and then wish
That your love life will someday flourish 

Rise up and break up with despair 
Make up your mind to no longer go there

You are precious, amazing and so loved
By your friends, family and God above 

Learn to love yourself even when you don't feel it
Learn to hold on to your joy even when you don't see it

I'm blowing these kisses to you to encourage you today
You are adored and treasured; more than words can say

© LAW Afolabi, February 2018