Most times People have clear pictures of who they are, what they like, and what they don’t. They believe in descriptions of their personalities, their strengths and weaknesses; happily quoting such descriptions of themselves based on their ‘signs’ dictated to them by horology.
For some others, what they believe of themselves is tied to what some important people in their lives have said about them; perhaps while growing up, among peers, among school mates and friends and even those they meet for the first time. While the rest are affected by perceptions people have of them- both good and bad.
All of these influence the way we think, speak, act and relate.
But enough with all this talk of who others say you are, the question of utmost importance is this: Who does God say you are? What is the mind of God concerning you? Who did God design you to become?
If we pause to consider these questions, we will find that whatever description of ourselves which we have in our heads is nothing compared to God himself and who He says we are. If we discover who we are in God, then everything else will become irrelevant; because the one who created us in his own image must definitely have the final say.
Our lives can have no meaning until we discover who we are in God and who he created us to be. I for one used to be extremely disturbed about what others thought/ spoke of me; and I was never able to find myself/ be set free of my emotional torment until I discovered who I was and still am in God.
The pertinent question here is what is your life’s purpose? A life lived void of purpose is no life at all. Therefore we must discover what this purpose is and take practical steps towards achieving it.
The Holy Bible in Jeremiah 29: 11 reads “For I know the thoughts I have for you; says the Lord; thoughts of good and not of evil, to bring you to an expected end” – (KJV); “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”- (NIV). Deductively, since our Heavenly Father has declared to have the perfect plan for our lives, we need to seek his face to discover what this plan is and begin to work in line in that plan. This we cannot do, if we have no standard relationship with him.
Permit me to reemphasize that before we can live a life of purpose, we must first discover what our purpose is. How then do we discover this purpose? The answer is simple: we must inquire from the Giver of all purpose- God himself- this is an incontrovertible fact!
The truth of the matter is that, the amount of revelation we receive from God is a function of the quality of our relationship with him and how much time we spend in his presence. It is in his presence, that we receive insight, knowledge and direction. It is through studying his Word that we learn basic principles that guide us in living the life God wants-a life of Purpose.
A good friend of mine once said “Our Purpose is made up of our duty to God, duty to our family (marriage) and duty to mankind.” However, a man is never really fulfilled until his entire purpose is fulfilled as one. It’s not something that can be segmented or part-fulfilled; rather it is something that must be carried out with basic insight, direction, dedication and divine wisdom-which we can only receive from a constant quality fellowship and relationship with God. We must spend sufficient time in his presence, in worship, praise and prayer, seeking his face continuously, constantly and consistently.
At every junction on the Road to achieving purpose; in every area and at every stage of our lives, God will give us various specific assignments which we must carry out, if we are to truly fulfil our purpose. Hence, our life of purpose cannot be lived outside God.
God wants you to get closer to him, he longs to have you ask him questions and he, reply as well, he desires an open and constant relationship with you, whereby he can communicate effectively his mind to you, and direct the course of your life.
I admonish you therefore, even as you forge ahead in life, to give your life over to God to be used by him, to take practical steps towards knowing him better, to surrender yourself to his good and perfect plan for your life, to discover his purpose for you and finally to live the life He wants- A LIFE OF PURPOSE.
You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! (Philippians 4:13)
© March, 2010
First comment!!! lolz. And I love that pix of urs, did I ever tell u that???
ReplyDeleteGood stuff here!
Wow lola, great work.really refreshing.keep doing exploits girling, ur pen is a definite instrument of change.4rm tochi eze!