Hello Friends, it’s
been a great October so far. Wishing you extra-grace to achieve great feats
this month!
Here’s a recap of September's #ExcerptsFromTheWeekendBite (now bi-weekly) on Twitter
First we spoke about #Favour.
Favour is simply an
act of kindness, goodwill or blessing that comes our way, not because we deserve it, but because the person showing that kindness, has
decided to be merciful and favourable to us.
This is not some
religious cliché but a reality and something we should recognise when at
work in our lives. Favour can be received from authorities, organisations to
which we have applied, in our offices, or even in our homes. If we humble ourselves
enough, we will recognise that there are some things that come our way which we
ordinarily do not deserve or qualify for.
However, Favour is not
an excuse to be lazy. We must always do our best to remain diligent in all we
do. Favour only opens the door for us while our diligence takes and keeps us
in. No
matter how much favour is working for you with your employer, if you consistently
fail to do your work properly, that employer will soon put it aside to kick you
out! Let us thus be mindful
of our disposition and commitment wherever we find ourselves.
It is usually the
diligent and kind-hearted that attract unprecedented favour. Even in such
instances, they don't deserve the favour they receive; that's what makes
it favour! It is not earned or demanded, it simply is.
I pray for favour upon
us all, that opens doors and causes prayers to be answered. Favour from God,
favour from man. Let this favour be ours this month and always.
Then we spoke about #Integrity

Integrity is not based
on race or religion. It's a personal decision we all must make for ourselves
and our nation's future. Although Nigeria, like some other countries, has been
plagued with bad leadership, corruption and other ills, all these can be traced
to the lack of integrity.
Many of us would
choose to blame leaders at various levels, but this problem starts with you and
I. If every citizen can strive towards developing a heart of integrity and
avoid treachery at every level, it will on the long run reflect in our society.
If very home invests in instilling the right values into children, then they
will behave differently when in the marketplace, no matter how strong the
temptation or persuasion is.
In our little areas of
influence can we show some more integrity? Can we have men of integrity in the
police, schools, government and other offices? If each person invests in having
integrity, surely there is hope for the integrity of the nation.
You may have every
excuse to throw integrity out the window but chose to remain faithful in what
you do. One day, favour will locate you and your integrity will speak for you.

In conclusion, we all need to
invest in having the right values of honesty and integrity and encourage others
to do the same. When the time is right, favour will locate us where we are and
elevate us.
Wishing you all the best this month.
©LAW Afolabi, October 2015.
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