Hello friends,
Welcome to the month of March. How's has the journey been so far? Let's keep marching with our eyes fixed on our goals; soon we shall experience success.
On The Weekend Bite™, we looked at something quite different. Here it is: this one's called #Egocentric .
An #Egocentric person is someone who thinks only of his/herself, without considering the feelings or desires of others. Everyone has an #ego which is a sense of self worth or self-importance, although the term is more associated with men who seem to have more of it than others.

For the success of any relationship, it's important for both parties to constantly have regard for each other's feelings. Where one party is only concerned with his/her feelings, perspective and concerns, the success of such relationship is at stake.
In our interactions with people everyday, we need to learn to look beyond ourselves and any demand for benefits for good deeds or anything we are requested to do. Our selflessness and humility in such situations is what will promote us, but being #egocentric will limit us.
Don't demand undue favours or rewards when asked to do something; especially if its something you love and which will make an impact. Of course, there is nothing wrong with profiting from our gifts, but let's not allow it limit us from making impact.
Don't disregard the feelings of others. Listen and apologise when someone is hurt by something you have said or done and live at peace with all. Don't be discouraged when someone, whose feelings you have consideration for, does the opposite to you. Don't base your actions or words on the attitudes of others.
Finally, make up your mind today not to be egocentric; it will help you have healthier relationships and this world will be a better place because of it!
©LAW Afolabi, March 2016.
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