Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Weekend Bite™ Part 2, February 2017

Hello friends,

Trust we had a good valentine season. Still on the theme of improving our relationships, this edition of The Weekend Bite™ is called #Appreciation.

Appreciation is the act of recognising, enjoying, thanking a person for who they are and what they say or do. This can be done by a reciprocal act, by words of appreciation or by some other way to show the person that you appreciate them.

The easiest way to show appreciation is by saying thank you. Unfortunately, this is the area where most of us fall short. Many people are easily taken for granted and not shown appreciation at all, despite all that they give and share. Sometimes privileges that people give, particularly to their loved ones, are taken as rights. As soon as this happens, the psyche of the receiver is no longer programmed to recognise such privilege, hence the absence of any appreciation. But is that ideal? - Definitely not!

Even if you feel you are entitled to some goodwill or think that it is the giver's responsibility, you should still show appreciation. A simple thank you or some kind words will go a long way in encouraging that person to keep on doing whatever it is they are doing.  The driver, the service personnel, waiter, your spouse, staff, siblings or children, all deserve your appreciation. No good they do for your benefit should be taken for granted. This is the ideal for a healthy relationship.

You can also show a person appreciation by reciprocating the good. Think of it as a good wheel. One good act deserves another and as each person invests in reciprocating good deeds, the wheel keeps moving and makes society a better one to live in. If you are in a relationship or friendship where you are always on the receiving end of good, then such relationship is not well-balanced. It's not best to always receive but clinch your fists to giving. It's also not honourable to request help from others but make yourself scarce when your help is needed. In such cases, the mere saying of thank you is not enough. Rather, it's best to show your appreciation for their friendship or relationship by being there when they need you too.

So this week, set out to appreciate every special person in your life for whatever it is they do, however simple it may be. Thank them for their love and commitment, for providing, for listening, for caring, for sharing, for thinking of you, for compromises, for their gifts (whether you like them or not), for standing by you and for being there for you. Show them you appreciate them by being what they need too, by being there and giving them a helping hand every now and again or just doing something spontaneous that will excite and satisfy them. 

All the best showing your appreciation.  Get to it today!


© LAW Afolabi, February 2017.

Excerpts From The Weekend Bite™ is available bi-weekly on Twitter via @lolawilliams02

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