Monday, June 2, 2014

The Weekend Bite Online...May Recap

Hello there, welcome to another month. Wow, almost half of the year is gone! Hope you're getting ahead with your goals and plans. If not, it's not too late to reassess them, evaluate your progress and re-strategize.

May was quite an interesting month on the Weekend Bite, especially for Twitter followers. Henceforth, I'll be doing a monthly recap here of what was shared for easy reference purposes.

In the first week, we started off with #Dejection. 
Photo: Wisestep

As defined, #Dejection is simply a state of sadness, unhappiness, depression, low spirits/ heaviness of heart. It can also be a state of agony, when nothing seems to change the feeling of emptiness on the inside and your demeanor and countenance are forced to reflect this sadness.

It can be can be triggered by many things such as unpleasing words/events or random things which have far reaching effects on our emotions. Sure, we all have certain things that throw us off balance or which we abhor; but the question is: should we allow the occurrence of these things (which are inevitable) to limit us?

#Dejection needs to be CONTROLLED!
Otherwise, it can affect mindset, capacity, demeanor, the entire being and can truly make the heart sick.

So how do we deal? 
For this, Resistance is key. No matter what, don't give in. Don't get pulled into 's dark hole. It's a terrible place with no friends, happiness or fulfillment and instead of being drawn into that, you need to free yourself of its limitation. 
Do what you must- speak to yourself, listen to music, pray, work, keep your mind occupied; whatever it takes to ensure that you are in control! 

Don't waste your life embracing ... Discard it, overcome it!


In the second week, we moved on to #Motivation.
Photo: Maximillian Richter

is simply the reason/ driving force behind our actions and everyday lives. It pushes us to go the extra mile to achieve our goals and dreams. It can be a strong force to propel us to MOVE when circumstances suggest otherwise. 

However, where there is no , it can be a ticket to inaction, complacency and unproductivity. You need motivation, to act, to move, to do, to be; without it, nothing seems worth it.
  • What's your ? What makes you do the things you do? What propels you to act; is it good or bad? 
  • Check your ...ensure it's in the right place so that your actions can rightly follow. 
If you are motivated for the wrong reasons, you're likely to act for all the wrong reasons. But if you pump yourself up from within with positivity, determination and zeal, to achieve and surpass your dreams and goals, such motivation could push you to do exactly that.

If nothing or no one around you motivates you, motivate yourself and be all you can be. Indeed, you can do all that you set your mind to do with the right ...
Photo: Sugarspunmarketing


In the third week, we discussed  `

#Distractions can be described as things or people that distract or prevent you from concentrating on or doing something important. They take your mind away from your current focus and constitute delays in your path.

don't always have to be bad things, they can be legitimate things that may seem justifiable. You may have good reasons for doing these things but the question is: when is the right time for them? They can also be the people closest to you or random ones you meet daily, engage in conversations with, hang out with or have to attend to.The point is that these things or people prevent you from doing what is primarily important at that particular time.

What to do...
You need to be able to identify and cut off their influence from you and what you need to do. 
Also, prioritizing helps. What's the most important thing you need to get done at that particular time? Can this other thing or person wait till later? Once you're able to determine this, concentrate on the most important thing; because those won't be to blame when you fail to achieve your goals, you'll have only yourself to blame!

...identify them, disable them and get back to work!


In the fourth and final week, we concluded with .

 is an uncodified law that governs our interactions, experiences and the
Photo: HLHL
entire course of our lives. It operates in every system and environment. Somethings just seem to click or happen at certain times.

You know you're experiencing  when you can't explain your sudden good luck after a series of unfortunate events or when things suddenly seem to fit into place, or better yet, when you find yourself at the right place at the right time.

It may take long for certain things to work out and it may seem that your bad experiences, rejections or failures have overextended but you need to try your best not to be disturbed by this, rather hold on and watch out, your time will surely come. Remember,  great things take time!

There is a time and season for everything under the sun...when your season comes, everything fits! It will be visible and incontestable. You only have to ensure not to miss it when it comes, but to recognise and use it wisely. A wasted time or chance only creates more delay.
So enjoy your dance with ... Your glorious moment awaits!
That's a wrap folks, hope you enjoyed the run through! 
  • Discard #Dejection, try #Motivation, disable #Distractions and utilise #TIMEANDCHANCE
All the best putting these into practice!...success is yours!
© June 2014 by Lola Agbaje-Williams
For more #ExcerptsFromTheWeekendBite: Follow Lola on Twitter: @lolawilliams02