Friday, July 31, 2015

The Weekend Bite™ Online... July Recap

Hello friends, it's been ages! The Weekend Bite Online has been on sabbatical and is currently on maternity leave. Therefore, being able to write this comes with an awesome feeling of revived fervour. This is because if we stop writing, we inadvertently close the tap on expression and the opportunity to bless others with same. Remember, the water that accumulates without flowing soon begins to stink!

Happy new month! Wishing you a burst of freshness and newness this August. Here is a recap of July’s #ExcerptsFromTheWeekendBite (now bi-weekly) on Twitter.

Firstly, we spoke about #Plans.
It's a good thing to take time out to draw out a plan at every point in time. It offers many advantages including time saving, guidance, direction, progress measurement and much more. However, our plans can sometimes be good or bad and in other cases may seem ridiculous.

Ridiculous plans can either be good or bad, it depends on what comes out of it. Some of the inventions we have today were borne out of ridiculous plans with many of them failing repeatedly before tasting success. What distinguished those inventors was their ability to learn from mistakes, look over their initial plans and make amendments. There is nothing stopping you from going back to the drawing board to re-strategize, the real failure is you giving up and failing to re-plan.

We may have a carefully crafted plan which we want to stick to by all means but we need to be observant of the signs that surround us and know when a new or revised strategy is needed. It's not for us to give up at every sight of obstacles or challenges but to amend our plans when necessary, so as to ensure maximum success and manifestation of our dreams.

Then we spoke about #Communication.
Communication is the passing of information from one person to another about a particular subject. It is something we cannot do without every day. Whether we communicate by words, actions or gestures, the important thing is that we communicate effectively i.e. the information we intend to pass along must be received accurately by the other party.

On the road to realising our dreams, we can plan and strategize all we want but we must endeavour to spend time and invest in effective communication of our brand. That's why brand strategists charge so much and social media platforms are making so much profit. People and brands that invest in communication, coupled with improving the quality of their products and services, reap the benefit in soaring sales.

Communication is not just important for business but our everyday lives. Sometimes we choke when surrounded by great opportunities and people. We miss out on certain things because we are either too proud or scared to speak up. Other times, it’s because we don't know what to say. Don't be afraid to speak about yourself or brand, especially when you meet liked minds or someone that is where you want to be. There is no benefit in you having a need and being silent when a potential benefactor or someone who can offer great advice is in the room. Speak up but speak wisely!

In summary, you need to plan, review your plan and act! In doing so, effective communication to the right people is necessary to ensure success and fulfilment of your dreams. Be armed and ready when the opportunity presents itself, so you don’t miss out on anything! Wishing you all the success in the world!


©LAW Afolabi, July 2015.

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