Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Weekend Bite™ Part 1, March 2017

Hello friends, welcome to March. Spring is closer than ever. Our focus in this episode of The Weekend Bite™ is #strivingforthedream
"Striving" is the act of making focused and strong efforts to achieve a goal or dream. It requires pushing ourselves to become what we want to be, despite the challenges we face, the hurdles on the way or the disappointments we experience.  

We all have dreams that we want to achieve within a set time frame. We may start off vibrant and with incredible zeal but begin to lose it all when we start experiencing setbacks. Are you in a situation that has made you lose your zeal and drive to keep chasing your dreams? It may be because of delays or disappointments. These have the ability to make us doubt our goals and question the possibility of ever attaining them. We may end up giving up so early or settling for less when there is still something much better out there for us.

The message this weekend is to keep striving for the dream. Even if no one believes you can achieve it, keep striving. Even if you feel disadvantaged for some reason, perhaps because of your background; strive even harder. Keep your eyes fixed on your dream and keep working hard until you get to where you want to be.

There may be certain strategic steps you need to take to get there. These are means to get to your desired end. Think of them as steps on a ladder you climb to get to the top. For example, you may start a job where you work long hours but are exposed to the experience you need to succeed in your field. Such positions are temporary and shouldn't last forever. You should be able to identify another role or place that would take you even closer to your dream until you get to where you want to be. At the same time, let your life have some balance. Have some time to rest and catch your breath along the way so you don't burn out. It's one thing to get to the top but another to stay there. You need to be well and strong enough to maintain the height so keep yourself and your life recharged.

As we march forward this month, let's do it with strength vitality and dedication. You can fulfill your dreams if you keep striving in every circumstance. You can do all things!


© LAW Afolabi, March 2017.

Excerpts From The Weekend Bite™ is available bi-weekly on Twitter via @lolawilliams02

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